Thursday, September 1, 2011

The way to get things back on track!!

When Did Americans Start Playing It Safe?

by Steve Harney on August 2, 2011 ·   There seems to be a paralysis in America right now. Companies are afraid to hire even though they are sitting on hordes of cash. Politicians are afraid to show leadership on certain issues as it may cost them the next election. People are afraid to move forward with a purchase of a home because they are afraid a better buy will appear next week. Everyone wants to PLAY IT SAFE.
Playing it safe did not make this country what it is today. If General Washington played it safe, we would still be talking with a British accent. If Dr. King played it safe, he would have told us about a plan he had not that he had a dream. If Disney played it safe, there would be no Disneyworld.

If my pop played it safe, he would have kept us in an apartment in the Bronx and not moved us 50 miles east into our own home with our own backyard on Long Island. However, he didn’t play it safe. Was he nervous about the financial responsibilities that came with buying his first home? Of course he was. But he loved his family so much he didn’t allow fear to paralyze him. He conquered his fear and did what he knew was the right thing to do. If he were alive today, I’d hug him right now.
Companies, politicians and the American people have to get back to dreaming and doing the right thing. This country has always been a place where, if you work hard, your

Homeownership still the best option

Homeownership: Still the American Dream

by The KCM Crew on August 16, 2011 · 12 comments

  • Yesterday, Fannie Mae released their National Housing Survey for the second quarter of 2011. They survey the American public on a multitude of questions concerning today’s housing market. Each quarter, we like to pull out some of the findings we deem most interesting. Here they are for the most recent report:

Most Important Reasons to Buy a Home

When we talk about homeownership today, it seems that the financial aspects always jump to the front of the discussion. However, the study shows that the four major reasons a person buys a home have nothing to do with money. The top four reasons, in order, are:
  • It means having a good place to raise children and provide them with a good education
  • You have a physical structure where you and your family feel safe
  • It allows you to have more space for your family
  • It gives you control of what you do with your living space (renovations and updates)

The Home as an Investment

Though most people purchase a home for non-financial reasons, everyone realizes there is a money component to homeownership. Here is what they said on this issue:
  • 65% of the general population (and 67% of homeowners) believe that homeownership is a ‘safe’ investment.
  • 56% believe that homeownership has more potential as an investment than any other traditional asset class.
  • 69% think that now is a good time to buy a home (this number has increased in each of the last two quarters)

Rent vs. Buy

We are always interested in the difference people see in renting vs. owning.
  • 63% of renters have aspirations to someday own their own home
  • 72% of renters think that owning is superior to renting
  • 95% of homeowners see homeownership as a positive experience (4% see it as a negative experience) while 82% of renters see renting as a positive experience (17% see it as a negative experience)
  • 96% of homeowners live in a single family residence while 46% of renters live in a multi-unit building

Bottom Line

Even in difficult times, Americans still realize the value of homeownership.
Article credited to

Light at the end of the tunnel

The latest S&P Shadow Inventory Report shows that the months of shadow inventory already is decreasing. The report explains that the number of families falling 90 days behind on their mortgages has decreased dramatically. That means that as we clear these distressed properties there will be much less of a backfill. The end to the housing crisis is finally within sight.
Article credited to